Monday, September 20, 2010

The movie so awesome it took us out of retirement! Jan and I (and our good friend Michael Ragusa) review Scott Pilgrim vs. The World!
TMI (With Jan and I!) -Special Episode: "And Sometimes Mike!"

Monday, June 28, 2010

There's a Storm A-Brewin'

Jan and I will soon return with new podcasts under a new banner...possibly even a new home. The first movie we will be reviewing as part of our relaunch is the REAL Avatar movie, "The Last Airbender."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Every saga has a beginning...

It was great when it all began...

As many of you know, TMI is currently on a hiatus while Jan and I continue in our foolhardy attempts to grow up and become responsible adults. Thus far, Jan is a full horse's length ahead of me in the race to achieve financial adequacy, as he has recently scored himself a brand new JOERB. Congratulations are, of course, in order. I, on the other hand, still spend most of my time playing dress-up and make-believe with other like-minded individuals (most currently in Arcadia, which just wrapped up a weekend at RPI in Troy and has two performances left next Friday and Saturday September 11-12 at 8PM, ticketsonsalenow call 518-276-6503) and have the same job I've had for the past 6 years. BUT-- now I take a graduate course in Information Sciences, so there might still be some hope for me.

Yes, we (and by "we," I mostly mean Jan) have come a long way since the days of "Chocolate" and "Let the Right One In." In that time, we've brought people to the verge of laughter and the precipice of interest. We've laughed together and we've cried together, and occasionally we've laughed separately at those of us who have cried...but did you know TMI wasn't always the carefully polished and finely tuned instrument it is today? The truth may shock you.

For TMI wasn't always a well-oiled machine. In fact, there was a time when TMI wasn't even called TMI. In this never-before-aired pilot episode, bear witness to the conversation that started a revolution. No movie, no review, just me and Jan talking about our ideas for the show, and movies that we fully intended to see, but never actually followed through on. Marvel at our shaky claims of manliness. See Jan pull back the curtain roughly 29 minutes into the show and expose us as the frauds we are. Also discover why, in my opinion, the most badass action hero of all time was a certain Mr. Fieval Mousekawitz.

TMI (With Jan and I!)-Episode 0: [The Lost Episode] "Secret Origins"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nicholas Cage: Not A Large Black Man.

Things have been quiet on the TMI front lately. Me and Jan have both been adjusting to various developments in our lives, including Jan moving to Washington and trying to find a new job, and me being in four plays at once. And while we are uncertain as to when things will start up again, we are committed to at least releasing the podcasting gems we have already recorded.

Coming from several yestermonths ago, today we give you a review of the Nicholas Cage movie, Bangkok Dangerous. Which will reign supereme: Jan's seething hatred of the movie, or my soft-spoken indifference? It's the semi-battle of the century!

WARNING: Jan spoils the ending to this movie in the first five minutes, because that's how little he cares.

TMI (With Jan and I!)-Episode 11: [Bangkok Dangerous] "Podcasts Like White Elephants"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wasn't he a jobber for the WWE?

Since both me and Jan are currently going through some hectic times in our lives, the next couple of podcasts will feature some shows we recorded in the past and saved for just such an occasion of downtime.

Today, for our landmark 10th episode, we give you what Jan dubs "The Two Hour Evanescence Video," Repo: The Genetic Opera. We dedicate it as a belated birthday present to TMI superfan, Kayla, who recommended it to us. We love you, Kayla. So why do you hate us so?

It is also worthy of mention that I have gotten in the habit of saying certain things in these podcasts just to get a rise out of some of my friends. To those of you who are really listening, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I await your hate mail with gusto.

TMI (With Jan and I!)-Episode 10: [Repo: The Genetic Opera] "Parents Just Don't Understand."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Wants to Podcast...

David Lynch. OK, now you know what to expect from Blue Velvet. Smutty, disturbing brilliance.

In this golden oldie from the TMI vaults (notice the rambling, lack of focus, and nearly hour long running time) we take a good long, hard look at Blue Velvet. Too phallic for you? Better bail out now, because as mentioned before, this is a David Lynch movie.

TMI (With Jan and I!)-Episode 9: [Blue Velvet] "Somebody put a monocle on that boobie!"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Star Trexhibitionism

For countless millenium, mankind has asked the question "are we alone?" For slightly less time, Stephen Henelkind has asked the question "Jan, are you wearing any pants?" On this auspicious day, TMI answers both questions with an emphatic and resounding "NO!" Join us as we boldly go where no podcast has dared go before in our review of Star Trek, which could only be dubbed "The Naked Podcast."

Come join us as we take a Space Taxi to the sky...

The power of science compels you.

TMI (With Jan and I!)-Episode 8: [Star Trek] "The Naked Podcast"